The organisation (aka the foundation or the commission) is a secret government-owned organisation who are responsible for societal control and regulation, and to keep the world "as perfect as possible".

The organisation is labelled by many to be a company that makes people's dreams come true, as they are known to be quite philanthropic to people in need, but it always comes with a price.

It is split into many different branches (for instance, media management and censorship, financial resources, and most famously within the establishment-- unorthodox science.)

aforementioned unorthodox science has always been the heart of the establishment, as it can be considered a tyrannical scientology cult scientific organisation

they are believed to be in control of most media and have a connection to hollywood and most of the television industry.

they have come under scrutiny for their rather unorthodox methods of science, particularly medical science experiments performed on humans but it is all for the greater good.